Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Alyssa has gymnastics on Mondays. When I got to my mom's this past Monday afternoon to get the girls and head back into town for the class, my mom informed me, "Alyssa's not feeling well."

And she wasn't. She was pale and tired and feverish. We didn't go to gymnastics.

She also didn't go to school yesterday or today.

This morning, I called our doctor's office to see if they could squeeze her in. Since we moved in August, the new doctor, who has actually served as my doctor all along, hasn't had the need to see Alyssa.

The nurse on the phone informed me that the doctor doesn't see 'new' patients on Wednesday. The nurse suggested I take her to Urgent Care if I felt she needed to be seen today.

And I did feel that she needed to be seen.

But before I could say that, I heard some background conversation on the nurse's end of the phone. She came back to say that the doctor said to bring her in, he'd take a look at my girl.

He'd pulled rank and overruled the nurse.

And I love that in small towns like this, everyone knows everyone and doctors are willing to take a few extra minutes to see sick little eight year olds and think nothing of it.

We ended up with a prescription for the medicine that Olivia had last week. It knocked her infection out within three days, so I'm hopeful that Alyssa will be back at school on Friday. She's a tough cookie, with a little medicinal help, she'll kick this double ear infection/fever/upper respiratory issue pretty fast.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

LOVE it. Hope she's feeling better quickly.