Wednesday, March 23, 2011

People Person

Alyssa likes stuff, things, toys, stuffed animals, computers, tv. She can entertain herself for hours. When she was much smaller, I had bouts of guilt for letting her watch an hour of television while I made dinner or folded some laundry.

Olivia? Is not so much into things. She'd much prefer to either be sitting on me or dangling from my hands, or jumping using my hands for support and letting me pull her up as she jumps.

She's exhausting.

I know...I am grateful that she's doing all that she's doing. Truly I am.

But there are moments when I say to her, "Can't you go play with that doll or those horses for just fifteen minutes while I make dinner?"

Or when I suggest we find something for her to watch on television while I unload the dishwasher.

She just likes people.

The only way I've managed to get even three quarters of the master bathroom primed (and eventually painted, right?) is to put her in the tub. That is the one place where she will entertain herself for more than ten minutes without finding an adult to dangle from.

My mom reports that having my nephew at her house while babysitting for Olivia is actually less work than having just him or just Olivia because they play together and let her get things done around the house. Though...the whining that accompanies Jaxon...

I think my girls are whiny until I spend time with this boy. Ohhh, wow. He's lovely, delightful even, but dear heaven the whining!!


She likes people.

We were at Alyssa's gymnastics class this past Monday evening and Olivia was, as is usual, sitting on my lap. I glanced over at one of the other moms and was relieved (in that 'misery loves company' sort of way) to see that her four year old was mauling her too.

I finally told Olivia, "Please sit up and support yourself."

The mom next to me sighed and said, "My daughter does the same thing!"

See, since Olivia literally couldn't support herself during her first year, she got used to letting those around her support her.

When she was two years old, we'd be sitting on the couch and I'd suddenly realize how tired I was and figure out it was because I was supporting O's entire weight. She was just laying there, against my arm, leaning her entire weight upon me, trusting me to hold her up.

And yeah, yeah, I'm glad she trusts me but for goodness sake, kid! Sit up and support yourself!

These two little girls on Monday, both of them FOUR years old, were still expecting their mothers to hold them up.

I finally put O on a chair of her own. She'd jumped and bounced and leaned enough for one night.

I love that she loves people. I think that will take her far in life, but...a little toy love wouldn't go unappreciated. Especially if she'll sit by herself, supporting her own weight while she plays with the toys.


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

hahahha What cute girls you have!

Tiffany said...

My Olivia loves people too...and I love the break I get when she's in the tub!