Right this second, Alyssa is in the kitchen, washing dishes. This is the first time EVER that she's washed so much as a spoon. So yeah, that makes me very happy.
My hyacinths are blooming. Even though this April has been very wet, the flowers are pushing through and seeking the sun. I planted the bulbs back in September, soon after we bought this house and seeing the results makes me very happy. It makes this place feel like home.
Yesterday was sunny enough for us to go outside for a little while. Even though Olivia is just now feeling good enough to be up and about, we let her outside to bask in the sun for about a half hour. It was glorious. And last night? Her cough was very, very mild. That makes this mama exceedingly happy.
Tom and Alyssa rolled the lawn. There's nothing sweeter than a girl and her daddy. It doesn't even matter what they're doing as long as they're together. She loved being with him, just riding on the mower on his lap, steering a bit here and there, enjoying her time being the center of his world. Every little girl deserves moments like this.
I changed the sheets on our bed this morning. I try to do this every week or so, but after the four days of Olivia coughing and sneezing and crying and fussing every single night, the scheduled needed to be moved up. I LOVE slipping into a bed with clean sheets blankets. I know that's such an adult thing to enjoy but there it is.
The girls and I are heading to my mom's this afternoon to dye Easter eggs. It'll be messy, it'll be fun. It's the making of memories.
While I do have my moments of frustration, I really am so lucky. And I know it.
I think I just need to find my inspiration. My motivation. Something that makes me want to make changes to myself to get myself out of this funk.
It'll happen. It always does. And then I always wonder why it took so long to get to that place.
For now, I'll continue to count my blessings, sleep when I can, and seek inspiration in the little things, the every day things. The things that sometimes frustrate me are the very things I need to channel my energy into, the things I need to use as inspiration. I'm going to try. It's all I can ask of myself, right?
hahaha such cute things to love!! That is awesome A helps with dishes, and the flowers.... ahh perfect sign of spring and hard work! I love sunny days too! and the ride on the law would be a blast... I am 24 (well almost) and I still love to ride in the Mule (it's the golf cart for yard work) with my dad. I agree, daddy daughter dates are the best!! Love the post Tommie.
That is how I survive! Focus on my positives and the little things that make me happy.
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