Saturday, May 14, 2011


The lovely Tiffany commented on my post titled Choices before Blogger went down. I was lucky enough to read the comment before it was deleted by Blogger.

That comment made me think. It made me realize that I'm shallow.

I really hope that I don't offend Tiffany by what I'm about to write. That is not my intention at all. She made me think and made me face my own faults and so, with that preface let me say:

I am shallow. I don't really care all that much about health and feeling good as far as eating right and exercising go. I WISH those things were important enough to me to make me get up each morning and workout. I wish that I worried enough about my health that I ate a salad for lunch each day instead of something from Taco Bell.

But I'm not that good a person.

See, my doctor takes blood every year and tests it. My choleserol is fine. It always has been. Might it not always be? Sure, and that's what I should worry about. But I don't. Not yet.

But being thin? The thought of that sometimes motivates me. The thought of looking good in a pair of jeans and feeling pretty make me want to exercise. The goal of lowering my already normal blood pressure doesn't do that for me.

So while I know that my health and my own well-being are the reasons I should workout and eat right, those things aren't as high on my list as looking good.

I'm shallow. I wish I weren't. But I am. There it is.

Isn't there something about facing your faults and overcoming them? Maybe?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

There's nothing wrong with being motivated by that...I just have such a bad history with being obsessed over being thin...and I don't want anyone else to go down that road!!! And I agree, it's good to face your faults and overcome them!!