Monday, June 6, 2011


We had another weekend of boring productivity.

Now that we've been in our house for eight months, it felt like I needed to get my butt in gear and actually make at least the downstairs look like we live there rather than like we're still moving in.

As of Saturday, there were still some boxes of paint supplies by the kitchen table and oh, the kitchen table itself was a nightmare. Boxes of valentines from Alyssa's school party back in February, mail from three or more months ago, scraps of paper that needed to just be thrown away but instead had been put on the table, three whole feet away from the trash can.

Just stuff, stuff, stuff.

Although I've been saying for sometime that I need to declutter both figuratively and literally, my Saturday didn't start out as a decluttering day. It started with cleaning the downstairs half-bath in an effort to not be embarrassed if we had unexpected visitors who just happened to need to use the bathroom.

That task morphed into one big old decluttering morning and early afternoon.

As of Sunday evening, if someone stopped by to visit, we wouldn't be embarrassed to invite them in for coffee and cookies.

Though...if that person were someone who expected a tour of the entire house? Well, that's a different story. Because while the downstairs is neat and tidy, the not.

But we're getting there. I finally, FINALLY got my movies back in order. It makes me so very, very happy to be able to say that. If someone were to ask me if they could borrow one of my many, many movies, I could go upstairs, browse the five bookshelves and find that very movie in a matter of seconds. Before, they were tossed onto the shelves haphazardly, in no sort of order. It was making me crazy.

Now? They're all catagorized and alphabetized. It's a lovely, settling feeling.

I know, perhaps I'm a little crazy. But I needed to get that done.

Next up? The closet in the master bedroom. Ohhh, it's horrible. I have so many things I need to box up for either a garage sale (ugh, the very thought) or donation (a much nicer thought.)

Tom's way more ocd than I am when it comes to organization. But he's also not so much a multi-tasker, so when he starts a project, he goes and goes and goes some more until it's done.

When I start a project? I do it until one of the girls needs something, then I stop and get them a snack or find a mermaid, or start a movie, or throw in a load of laundry, or let them take a bath and then, three hours later, I'm back to the project at hand. Or perhaps, it's a week later. Eventually, it gets done and I feel better. But yeah, Tom talks the talk and walks the walk. Sadly, he expects me to walk the walk too but doesn't seem to understand that my life is so very, very different from his in a lot of ways even though we parent the same children, live in the same house, etc.

Anyway, yay for productivity, right?

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