Thursday, July 14, 2011


Most of the therapists and doctors we've met through the years have told us that Alyssa will always be the best therapist/teacher Olivia will ever know.

I agree. I think having a big sister who can do everything effortlessly has shown Olivia that there are a lot of things she, too, can do, if she tries.

But something the therapists never told us is that Alyssa will learn from Olivia too.

Olivia is teaching her sister patience. She's teaching her to take a minute and slow down. Alyssa's always on the go, always moving, always on to the next project even when the remains of the last project are strewn across the floor.

Olivia is dreamier, slower, more inclined to step back and take things in. Alyssa's learning to do that a little too. Not too much, my busy, busy girl. But enough to see the merits of that kind of thing.

Alyssa has also learned to conquer some of her shyness by watching Olivia around family we don't see often. At the reunion last weekend, Alyssa was velcroed to my side while Olivia was right in there, getting her face painted, being hugged, talking to aunts she sees twice a year. I could tell Alyssa wanted to be there too. And, without any prompting from me, there she went to stand by her more outgoing sister, to take in the hugs and the face painting and the chatting. It was lovely to see.

It's nice that the little sister can be a teacher too, even as she learns from her big sister.

I'm so, so glad they have each other. I'm so glad they can learn from each other over the years, taking in the good things and working through the bad. It's what siblings are for and I hope to continue to foster a strong, loving, teaching/learning relationship between them. But I'm learing from them too and seeing that I don't have much to do with their sisterhood. They're figuring this out for themselve and I am just so lucky to be along for the ride, to get to watch them grow as sisters, into strong, loving women.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Our therapists said the same thing, and I am so grateful that my kids have each other to learn from. Great post!