One of my friends brought her daughter to Alyssa’s birthday party a few weeks ago. This woman and I met through our girls, when J and Alyssa were in kindergarten. B and I hit it off pretty quickly and easily. We sort of bonded over having two daughters of similar ages. When we realized that both of our younger daughters had special needs, that sort of cinched the friendship.
While at the party, we were talking about special needs and all it entails. B explained to one of the other parents there what she deals with when it comes to her girls. Both of whom have been diagnosed with issues in the past couple of years.
This gentleman went home and talked to his wife about what he and B had discussed.
Over the weekend, the wife called me, wanting B’s name and number. It seems her daughter, not the child who attended the party, but a younger sibling, has issues too and she needs help in finding someone who can actually diagnose these problems.
I Facebooked B and asked her if I could give this poor woman her name and number so they can talk.
B is wonderful. She agree immediately, asking for the woman’s email so she can jump start the help process.
I love that I was able to bring these two together, to help a frustrated, tired mother as she struggles to help her daughter. I love that B is so willing to reach out and share her own story of her struggles so that perhaps someone else might not have to struggle as hard and as long as she did.
We live in a scary world where there are a lot of bad people. But this instance reminds me that there are so many more good people out there than bad.
We’re all just looking for a little help, a little advice, a little sign that we’re not alone as we fight for our rights, our kids’ rights, for answers to problems we know are there even when doctor after doctor after doctor insists that we’re wrong, there are no problems, that we’re making more out of what’s really going on.
Being able to make the world a little smaller, a little less scary is so important. I’m so glad that this time, I was able to do my part.
That is wonderful that you were able to do that for them. I hope they can help each other out.
It is so wonderful when these things happen!
What a wonderful feeling it is to be able to help connect families that understand eachother.
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