Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Sniffle Sniffle Snort

Olivia has a cold. It’s really just the sniffles actually, though she did run a low grade fever on Sunday night/early Monday morning. But nothing since.

She went to school yesterday but came home so pale and sad looking (not that she looked sad herself, but looking at her red nose and pale face made me sad) that, combined with her sniffling and snorting through the night, we decided to keep her home today.

My biggest gripe when this kid has a cold is: How do you teach someone to blow their nose if they have no instinct for the act?

I’ve tried to demonstrate the act for her. I’ve explained the act of BLOWING air out of one’s nose versus sniffing air INTO one’s nose but she doesn’t get it.

Now, to be fair, I think Alyssa was about seven before she figured it out.

But Olivia would feel so much better if she could just blow the freaking snot out of her nose. Instead, she sniffs and wipes and snorts and rubs and it just turns her nose and cheek and even her eye red from all the rubbing of noxious snot across her fact.

It’s gross.

Tom has taken his turn at trying to teach Olivia how to blow her nose and like me, he has gotten nowhere.

My mom has tried too. Olivia doesn’t even want to try. She just continues to sniff.

I feel bad for her even as I’m exasperated by the fact that I just know how much better she’d feel if she could blow her nose!

And I know this is such a minor complaint and yet…seriously, how do you teach a child to blow their nose? I really want to know.


Lauren said...

I have no idea if this would work... it could totally back fire...

What if you put a straw in her nose and then in bubble water and showed her how when you blow it makes bubbles in the water... of course this would include you sticking a straw up your nose to model! lol!!

Just thinking maybe seeing it would help... or having a kleenex race... where you can only use your nose to blow the kleenex off the table??

Hey... I tried!

Julie said...

Okay, so Riley can't blow her nose either. Like her tiny little ear canals, she apparently has tiny little sinus thingies. It makes US crazy. She blows these TINY little blows, then sucks up all the snot down her throat. UGH. I am totally stealing Lauren's idea.