Saturday, June 30, 2012


So that post a couple down where I say I've outgrown my scatterbrainedness (I know that's not a word, I make it up, so what?)

Yeah, that post.

It appears I have not so much outgrown it.

I'm still a scatterbrain. And sort of an idiot.

Remember that post even farther back where I blather on about the community pool only seven miles away and how expensive it is this year as compared to that one?

See, it's not so much more expensive.

Actually, the prices this yaer are exactly the same as last year.

But the prices at the community pool in Montpelier, Vermont have gone up. A lot. Especially if they're compared to the prices of the community pool in Montpelier, Ohio.

Go figure.

It appears you sort of have to put the state in the search engine if you're looking for a community pool in Montpelier. Because, duh, there are more towns named Montpelier than the small one in Western Ohio.

I know, everyone knows that, right?

Except, apparently, me.

This morning I decided to do a quick search to be sure I had the right times for the pool. We were going to cough up the $16 dollars for the family day-pass and make a day of it.

Except, when I got to the site for the Montpelier, Ohio pool, the prices were the same as last year, $2 a person, all kids under six get in free. What the heck?

I retyped the search, sure I was missing something.

Yes, I'm obviously missing a few brain cells. I finally found the site for the Montpelier, Vermont pool and found the outrageous prices. Damn, I feel bad for those who want to swim in Vermont! Come on down to Ohio, folks, it's much less expensive to live (and swim) here.

And yes, several weeks ago, I even CALLED the pool to confirm that their residential prices were only for those who lived in the city, not those who lived in the county or even state. I'm sure the kid I talked to thought I was a real moron when I asked whether or not it applied to Ohio residents or just Montpelier residents. He was kind enough not to point out my idiocy, though. Come to think of it, though, had he pointed it out, it might have saves us weeks of angst over the cost of the pool.

Yes, I called VERMONT. I wondered why Montpelier would have a different area code than the rest of the towns in this county. Again, duh.

Julie, this reminds me SO much of our race across Houston because, yeah, Houston has two airports. Note: If you click that link, use the calendar to search for October, 2008, scroll down about three or four posts to the post titled Team Big Idiots. That was us.

But in the end, Julie and I made our flight and today Tom,the girls and I enjoyed a lovely day at the pool for only $6 for the four of us.

I kind of love it when my scatterbrainedness (there's that word again) works to my advantage.


Julie said...

Hilarious!! HAHAHA!

Julie said...

Hilarious!! HAHAHA!