Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Olivia has become obsessed with schedules in the past few weeks. I think it may have come about when I took a few days off in July and then a couple of weeks later, took another couple of days off, the poor kid didn’t know what was coming from one day to the next.

So each evening, as we getting ready for bed, she’ll ask what she’ll be doing the next day.

I think she just wants to know who is going to be taking care of her. So I always tell her whether it’s going to be a Grammy day, a Daddy day or a Mommy day.

It sort of hurts my heart the way her eyes light up and her face breaks into a smile each time I tell her that the next day is a Mommy day. It only hurts because I know how much she’d like it if every day could be Mommy day. Sadly, we can’t quite swing that so instead, I use my vacation days as wisely as I can.

And honestly, she enjoys her Daddy days and Grammy days as much as she enjoys the Mommy days.

She always wants to know if Lyssie is going to be wherever she, Livie, is the next day. She likes having her sister around these days. I like that they’re both at an age where they actually want to be together, doing things with each other.

I’m almost sorry that school starts back up next week. Almost. I’m more glad for the routine the girls will have, for the knowledge they’ll both be gaining, for the therapies O will be receiving.

Schedules are a good thing.

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