Sometimes, I am so good at this mom thing. Sometimes.
Okay, most of the time, I’m just winging it. I fully admit that.
But sometimes the stars align and I manage to juggle the very few balls I toss in the air and it feels good to think maybe I can do this.
Two weeks ago, I purchased a pattern and some fabric for my mom to make Olivia’s a Halloween costume. She’s going to be Merida from Brave. Olivia, that is, not my mom.
Alyssa said for months she wanted to be Adele. Then…she watched The Hunger Games and started reading the book and poor Adele has been replaced by Katniss. Honestly, I’m relieved because I had no idea how I was going to make Alyssa an Adele costume and NOT have her have to explain who she was to every single person she encountered.
So she’s got a bow and arrows. She’s got black pants, shirt and jacket. I’ve mastered the side braid that Katniss rocks in the movie.
The only thing missing is the mockingjay pin. We saw them about a month ago at Walmart but that was before Alyssa decided she wanted to be Katniss for Halloween.
Now that she’s decided that? They’re gone.
So what does a resourceful mom do?
She goes to Amazon. I know, right? The best place EVER.
The pin has been ordered.
So has Olivia’s Brave bow and arrows. They are all scheduled for delivery no later than October 11th. That’s like 20 days before Halloween. I’ve never been so ahead of the game in my life.
And get this….I’ve even already emailed the school to make sure it’s okay for the girls to take their bows to school for their Halloween parties. I’ve assured both teachers that neither girl will have arrows anywhere near their bows.
So yeah, it’s October 1st. Do you have your Halloween on?
You absolutely rock!
Oh your so ontop of your game! I'm still trying to figure out wha to dress the babies as. I really want to make their custume rather than just buy them but I have been so busy. I can't wait to see thier pics!!
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