Thursday, January 10, 2013


My girls are like most (all?) kids, they don’t like to receive shots.

Yet, like most parents (this time, I know it’s not all) I make them get their shots. My girls are fully vaccinated. It’s just how we roll. I know there are those out there who choose to go on a delayed schedule or decide not to vaccinate at all. I’m not making judgments.

My mom asked me last night if the girls had received their flu shots. She’d read/heard that 18 children have died so far this year of the flu.

I wonder if most if not all of those kids had underlying issues but I’d rather not take chances.

I admitted, though, that they had not had a flu shot or mist this year.

I called our doctor today. I was informed that they administer the mist to children but…they’re out of it and will not be getting more.

I resigned myself to hoping and praying that my girls aren’t exposed to the flu this year and even if they are, I can hope and pray that it’s a mild case.

My mom called, hero that she is, and said she’d called our county health department. They have the shot (mist?) and will administer it to children. They only do this on Thursdays.

What do you know? Today is Thursday!!! And get this…today they have extended hours, they’re giving shots until 6:30! Oh, the fun that can be had around these parts.

But, wahhh, Alyssa has gymnastics today. Her class starts at 6:15. I get out of work at 4:30. I have time to drive to my mom’s, gather the girls and get back on the road to make it back to town on time for the class. There is no way I can get there, get them to the health department (eight miles in the opposite direction of A’s gym) and then get back in time for the gymnastics class.

So…I called Tom. I told him all that had occurred in the past 24 hours. I suggested he go get the girls, like now, take them to get their vaccinations and then take them home, where I will meet them in time to take them back with me to gymnastics.

And he went for it. So he gets a hero badge too. He also gets to be the bad guy if the vaccination comes in shot form instead of mist. Win, win and win again, at least for me.

He did ask me if the shots were free. I told him I didn’t know but even if they aren’t…and he stopped me, finishing my sentence with, “They need them whether they’re free or not.”

Sometimes, it's almost as if he can read my mind.

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