The temperatures around here have been in the single digits for a few weeks. Oh, there were a few days in there when it got into the 50s, which only makes the 40 degree plummet hurt that much more.
Last night while Alyssa was at gymnastics, Olivia and I had to go uptown to one of the local movie theaters and purchase thirty advance tickets so my boss can put them in birthday cards throughout the year. Nice, yes?
We got there at 6:25. The theaters don’t open until 6:30. We waited out in the frigid wind for all of two minutes before deciding that was insane and went back to the car. She snuggled on my lap, her face buried in my neck. She told me that I was so warm and she liked to sit with me.
I’d brought a blanket for the ride home because Olivia is usually really tired by the time Alyssa’s class is over and a blanket just seemed like a nice comfort item for her to have. I wrapped it around her and pulled her close while we waited for the guy inside the theater to unlock the door.
At 6:35, I still hadn’t seen them unlock the door but I didn’t want to wait any longer. We trudged back to the front door, tugged on it only to find it still locked at which time the dude inside realized it was time to unlock it.
We spent our $210 for the tickets and another $3.50 for popcorn because who goes into a theater and doesn’t buy popcorn even if they aren’t staying for a movie? Then we headed back to gymnastics.
When gymnastics was finally over, we went through the drive-thru at McD’s for dinner. Alyssa is always starving and Olivia, while tired, can’t go through a McD’s drive-thru without a Happy Meal. Whatever, it’s only once a week and even if it was more often, I refuse to feel guilty about this.
On the drive home, Olivia handed her food to Alyssa, moaning, “I’m too tired to eat.” She wrapped her blanket around herself and dozed, waking only long enough to lament, “I wish we were already at home.”
Alyssa gladly ate Olivia’s cheeseburger and fries. They both turned their noses up at the apple slices. Why does McD’s think kids like those things? They’re nasty.
Tom greeted us at the door and took Olivia so I could get everything else out of the car.
After both girls were asleep, I packed the snacks for O’s class today. There are only eight kids in her class and parents provide snack. So every eight days, we are responsible for snack. I usually send applesauce or pudding. Something that I don’t actually have to prepare. Working mom and all that.
This time, though, I was inspired. I put grapes in one side of a baggie and goldfish in the other side and then used a ribbon tied in the middle to make the snack bags look like butterflies. Go me!
The cold weather has inspired Tom, who wakes up at least an hour before I do each morning, to come up and turn on the space heater in the bathroom each morning before I get up so that the bathroom is warm and cozy when I get up to shower.
I tell you, those little gestures, the space heater, greeting us at the door and snuggling Olivia while I gather jammies and yes, even turning up the heat when we’re on our way home, those gestures mean so much. They speak of a love much deeper, much more meaningful than mere words can convey.
Riley eats the apples from McDs. :(
Love thoughtful gestures!
LOL Okay, Julie, that was funny. And somehow, I'm not surprised that Riley, the angel child, eats the apples in the McD's Happy Meal. :-)
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