A new mom posted on the 5p- support page on Facebook last night. Her one month old daughter has been diagnosed with Cri du Chat.
This mom is devastated. She’s crushed that her child has received this diagnosis. She’s saddened by what she feels is the loss of all the dreams she had for her daughter, the loss of the child she thought she was having.
I get it. I get that feeling of loss, that feeling of sadness, that worry about the health of her baby.
But I didn’t say that when I responded to her post. Instead, I told her that she’d find new dreams, that with therapies and lots of love, her daughter would show the world how amazing she could be.
I also posted a picture of Olivia. I couldn’t resist.
I go all Pollyanna and often think that if parents of brand new babies just diagnosed with 5p- syndrome could just see Olivia, hear her voice, watching her run and dance and join her in a moment of laughter, all the sadness they’re feeling will melt away.
I know that seeing how awesome my child is won’t necessarily erase the fears and sadness new parents feel as they start the journey of parenting a child with special needs but I do think that if they can see someone (like us) a little farther down the path than they currently are, if they can see us living and loving and laughing and experiencing joy and hope and happiness, it might bring them at least a little comfort, the idea that maybe this new normal they’re facing isn’t all gloom and doom.
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