Thursday, September 1, 2016

School Picture Hair

Olivia is all about fancy. She loves to wear dresses to school, to the grocery store, the library, heck, she loves to wear dresses to bed. Which is why she has enough nightgowns to wear a different one each night of the week.

So as picture day loomed, she wondered often how we were going to do her hair. She also wondered what she’d wear but that was quickly solved with a trip to Kohl’s where we found five dresses with short sleeves (rather than sundress type dresses which aren’t allowed at school without a t-shirt under them) and she was enamored with a light greenish blue dress with pockets. Pockets!!!

I knew the solid color would be perfect for pictures (she chose the pink background offered by the photo place because, well, duh, pink) and the outfit was set.

But the hair…oh, the hair.

It had to be fancy, she said. It needed to NOT be down, she declared, because when her hair is down, it gets tangled and that’s just a tragedy because then Mom has to brush it and brushing tangled hair feels like I’m killing her. Her words…killing her.

So yes, there was much debate on what would happen with her hair. I’ve gotten pretty good at doing hair but most of the awesomeness of O’s ‘dos take place on the back of her head and so I had to get creative (and do some googling) to find something that would meet her criteria as well as show up and look nice in pictures.

I google ‘school picture hair’ and well, there were some good ideas but mostly again, the awesomeness of the hair was at the back.

We finally settled on a four-strand braid with a ribbon acting as the fourth strand (in the third position, for best results) and here’s how she looked when she left for school this morning.

I confess that I’m pretty proud of the results. Of course, I think she’s adorable even when she’s got a messy braid first thing in the morning. But yeah, that ribbon pretty much exactly matches her dress. Go me and my (from memory) color matching skills.


Swistle said...

So perfect, and I also LOVE the dress. I gotta go to Kohl's and see if I can find it for Elizabeth.

Julie said...

Wow! I am amazed at your hair prowess. Our discussion about hair on picture day was "naturally curly" or "straight". I'll just sit over here feeling jealous. HAHA