My mom and I attended Alyssa’s high school band and choir concert on Sunday.
Olivia and Tom stayed home because Liv had a really annoying cough and we decided it would be better for everyone sitting around us to not have to deal with her weird, dry hacking.
So my mom and I got to enjoy the concert while Tom and Livie got to enjoy being home in their jammies, watching football (Liv was in her pajamas, Tom was watching football.)
While of course I thought the Jr. High was great, it amazes me how much difference a few years makes when it comes to performing. Alyssa is a freshman this year and her high school choir and band are awesome. I was blown away by the voices I heard and the musical talent of the band members.
When it was over, I told Alyssa that I could hear her voice during the choir’s performance.
She asked, “Is that a good thing?”
Oh my goodness, yes!! She has such a beautiful soprano voice. It’s bright and clear and the tone is so nice. She’s come so, so far and she’s only a freshman.
I told my mom after the concert, “I watch her up there and I marvel that she’s mine.”
My mom nodded, understanding exactly what I was saying.
I am so lucky that I get to watch three more years of this kind of thing.
And there’s more awesomeness to come. Next week, Lyss is auditioning for the school’s spring musical. How fun is that?
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