Tuesday, March 20, 2018


I am 12 days past my last chemo. (I'm writing this on a Sunday.) And yet, right this second, I actually have more pain than I did during the twelve weeks I had weekly chemo. My pain was pretty constant during the first eight weeks of chemo, when I was receiving the cocktail drugs. That was pretty bad. But the last twelve weeks weren't so bad.

This past week has been...tough.

It started on Wednesday, a week and a day out from the last chemo. That afternoon I noticed a weird pain just to the right of my belly button. It wasn't constant but it was definitely noticeable.

I googled this and it said that it can be a precursor to appendicitis. Yes. So obviously, I've been super aware of any and all pain in my right side.

And what do you know? There is pain in my right side. But I don't have a fever, the pain isn't constant. It's more intense at night when I'm trying to sleep. I notice it a lot when I get up to pee in the middle of the night.

My lower back is bad at night too.

I just don't know if I should say something to a medical professional about all this weird pain. I mean, it could just be the chemo making it's way out of my body. I mean, that would kind of awesome, painful but also awesome.

Then again, it could also be something different, some more nefarious.

But which doctor do I tell? I don't feel like I'm actually a patient of my oncologist anymore since I'm not actually receiving chemo. Though, wait, I do have an appointment with him in early May. So yes, he's still my doctor.

Do I just call my regular doctor? I haven't see him since he told me we should wait and see about the pain in my left breast so...I don't really have all that much confidence in that dude, even though I understand why he said what he said and I don't really hold it against him, even thought I obviously kind of do.

Do I wait until my first radiation appointment, which is in a week and three days? I could tell the doctor in charge of the radiation about all these weird pains.

Of course, I could call the cancer center tomorrow and talk to a nurse, who would tell me whether it's even worth discussing any of this with a doctor.

Obviously, if the pain in my side gets worse or if I spike a fever, I will call my regular doctor or heck, even go to the emergency room. But right this second, the pain is more of an annoyance than a real fear. Kind of.

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