Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Okay, Fine

In an effort to be transparent (because when am I not?), let me confess that I’ve continued to walk for a half hour each day after work and while the actual walking part is still miserable and unpleasant, the aftermath hasn’t been nearly as awful as it was those first few days.

Please don’t take this to mean that I’ve finally found my endorphins.

No. Not even close.

But I’m not nearly as sad and miserable as I was those first few days.

I’m not happy by any means but I can smile and find things to enjoy in the evening hours after my walk.

I don’t sit there and bask in pleasure at having actually walked but as long as I don’t have to get up and walk around on my sore, tired feet, I can laugh at the stupidity of ANTM Cycle 20 and enjoy my time with my lovelies.

I can be amused by Tom’s never-ending optimism when he leaves out half a tomato and half a green pepper, thinking that if they’re on the counter, I might actually eat them.



If I’m going to drag my carcass out into the yard to walk for 30 minutes, I probably am not going to be ingesting any calories afterward.

Please be reassured that I am not starving myself. I eat plenty during the day to cover the caloric deficit of the evening hours.

I’m just at an age where I know that if I eat after a certain hour, I will be miserable in the night. So no matter how light the meal is, if it’s eaten after 8pm, it will cause heartburn.

Damn. I’m middle aged, aren’t I?

How sad.

Though…the alternative is even sadder. So hey, let’s spin it another way. Yay, bring on middle age!!!

The aches, the pains, the occasional insomnia, the checking the clock to see if I should skip the caffeine, the heartburn, the covering the gray roots, the thin, sagging skin…the list goes on but again, the alternative is worse than anything on this list.

Bring it, middle age!

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