So I was diagnosed with shingles a couple of weeks ago.
It started as an annoying itch on a Tuesday (because what other day would it start?) and by Thursday morning, I had a small spot that looked like a bug bite. It was right along where my bra lays on my right side.
On my drive to work that Thursday morning, I was thinking about the burning itch on my side and it hit me, “Shingles.”
By noon, that ‘bug bite’ had become two. I was more and more sure that I had shingles.
I had chicken pox when I was six. I remember this well because the small pills my mom gave me to take for the itch often (always?) got thrown behind the couch. She found them months later when she moved the couch to vacuum. Yes, I was a brat.
I googled shingles because it’s what we do in this day and age.
It said that if you suspect you have shingles, you should see a doctor.
So after taking Olivia to the orthodontist for a walk-in appointment to get a wire fixed, I headed to Urgent Care for confirmation that I had shingles.
By the time the doctor saw me, the two spots I had at noon that day had become eight. It was a definite rash which ran right along a nerve line.
When I got home that night with an antiviral medicine that I only took seven doses of before deciding I’d rather let the shingles run their course rather than feel as bad as the antiviral made me feel, Tom had fed the girls and had talked to them about my scabies.
Yes. He called my case of shingles scabies.
Do you know what scabies are?
I do, because I googled it. It’s gross.
It’s a rash caused by a mite the boroughs under the skin.
And yet, it stuck.
All weekend long, whenever I’d get an especially painful pang from my shingles rash, I’d cry out, “Ohh, my scabies!”
And of course, it got shortened to the point that it was just the one scabie that was hurting me.
Because we’re nothing it not inventive and funny around here.
Well, okay. So my children think I’m funny. In the end, they’re the ones who count since they have to live with me.
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