I hate that my daughter is at the age where creepy old men feel like they have a right to make creepy comments to her while she’s just going about her day.
She’s working at a fast food restaurant near our house. This restaurant is near a major highway.
Truckers and travelers alike stop at this restaurant.
She’s been asked for her phone number more times than she can count. She always just deadpans, “No.”
Sometimes, the creepy dude will ask, “Why? You got a boyfriend?”
She’ll give the tiniest pause and then say, “Yes.”
I told her that I hate that she has to pretend to be some other dude’s property for other dudes to leave her alone but that I am glad it works and she should use that to her advantage.
I fear that if she were to tell them she has a girlfriend, it would just make the situation worse.
Men (OBVIOUSLY NOT ALL MEN!!!) can be creepy as fuck.
The other night during a quiet moment at work, she was out sweeping the dining area’s floor.
A creepy old dude asked her if she washed windows. Because she’s polite and sweet, just said, “Sometimes.”
Creep replied, “I’ve got some truck windows that could use a cleaning.” And I’m sure he laughed like it was the cleverest line any creepy ass dude had ever creeped at a cute young girl.
I went so far as to ask Tom why some old dudes think it’s okay to be creepy to young women.
He honestly didn’t know. But then again, he’s not a creepy dude, so I can see why he wouldn’t understand how they think.
This all makes me so angry. Angrier than ever, actually. I mean, I’m already kind of always pissed off. But knowing that she’s having to put up with the same shit women have dealt with for as long as time has been recorded just makes me that much madder.
Men?!? Stop it!
While Liv and I were at Lyss’s work one evening (We’ve been there all of twice since they opened last October.) we’d placed our order and I was paying the girl (Lyss) who’d taken my order. The creepy dude waiting behind me had to ask the girl working next to Alyssa about the ‘special’ stickers Alyssa and her co-worker had on their visors.
Dude said something like, “Hey, you two are the only ones with the ‘special’ stickers? Is that because you’re the only ones who are special?”
Again, he thought he was being ever so clever.
He was at least my age, probably older. These girls are in HIGH SCHOOL.
Stop hitting on girls young enough to be your freaking daughter, if not granddaughter. It’s not cute, it’s not clever, it’s not endearing. It’s creepy as hell and we’re so sick of it!
I did roll my eyes at him and if I hadn’t have Olivia with me, I might have said something. I’m on the verge. I’m telling you, one of these days I’m going to lose my shit on one of these creeps and he won’t know what hit him.
Well, he’ll probably think I’m just some menopausal bitch who is jealous of the attention he’s giving the hot young things behind the counter. Because that’s the way some men think.
1 comment:
I recently met a creepy old man who is my dad's age and has 12 kids all 12 and under. His wife is 43 years younger than he is. The youngest baby is 3 months.
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