Graduation is coming up. It’s speeding upon us at lightning speed, actually. May 30th is the day. So…what do we do about celebrating?
We’re all (well, most of us) vaccinated so let’s PARTY! Right?
Okay, but where?
I want to have it at our house. It’ll be fun to have people in and out. We have a huge side yard and a decent back yard. We have a big back deck and a cement pad-thingy we can put tables on and a tent over and set up chairs at various locations in the yards.
Tom does NOT want to have it at home. He claims his main reason is because people will come and just stay for hours.
This will be an open-house, so come, leave a card with cash/check for Lyss, eat some food and be on your merry way, right?
No, he’s just sure they’ll pop a squat and stay for the duration.
Honestly, I think his biggest concern is having to clean. I’m telling you this, not as a complaint but simply to provide information. 40% of our house is taken up by ebay stuff. That’s not including the basement. If I include the basement, it’s more like 60% of the house is ebay storage. So…there’s that.
Alyssa wants to have it at my mom’s. She insists that Gram’s house has better parking and more shade. Whatever. We have plenty of parking and we can set up tents to provide shade…so yeah.
So what do we do? I informed Lyss that if she wants to have it at her Gram’s, SHE has to ask Gram and Pawp if they’re okay with it and if they show even the slightest hesitation, we’re NOT doing it there.
Before Alyssa could even ask my mom, I called a community center and asked about reservations. Alyssa insisted that it was WAY too late to do this.
Well, they have the building available the weekend after graduation, which is actually pretty good, right?
It will be $135 dollars for the rental but only because my mom lives in the township. If she didn’t, it would be $170. We will have to send them a separate check of $100 for a security deposit and provide proof of ‘event insurance.’
Those things are Tom’s job. I’ve done the work of making the phone call. He can call our insurance and send the checks. We’ll see which process feels more stressfull to him, calling about insurance and writing checks or cleaning.
More details to follow.
1 comment:
We did the community center thing for Riley's 13th birthday (technically at church). We had to do the same thing with the security check and the proof of insurance. I think the insurance deal cost another $100. The night before the party, there was a blizzard. Party cancelled and that was that. HAHAH Luckily the church let us reschedule and didn't make us get another insurance policy...just made me promise no one would get hurt at the party.
I hope whatever happens that it's perfect for Alyssa and that you don't have a ton of cleanup.
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