Tuesday, June 8, 2010


So there's me, the wife/motherly type. There's my husband, Tom, who also happens to be the father of our children. I know!

And there are our daughters. Alyssa is seven and just finished first grade. She's awesome, wrapped in frustration and whininess, sometimes. But mostly, she's just awesome. At least Tom and I think so.

Olivia is three and a half. She's the baby. We're done having babies. Even if Olivia had been a model infant (she wasn't) we'd have been done after she was born.

She's all kinds of awesome too. She's silly, she whiny like her sister, she's tough and she's sweet, all rolled into one little bitty girl who just happens to have 5p-.

That's us.

As of today? We're (and by we, I mean Tom) trying to get our house ready to be listed and then SOLD. Yay.

I've been making a 65 mile one way commute for eight years. It sucks in all sorts of ways.

Let me count the ways it sucks to make that kind of drive:

291,000+ that is how many miles my car has on it. It's a Pontiac Grand Prix. I'm so very sad that there will be no more of these cars because this car? Is great.

The girls and I have to stay at my mom's house three nigths a week just to save ourselves getting up at 4:30 each morning to get to school/work on time.

I have to do all our laundry on the weekends because I'm gone all flipping week.

Tom misses out on the girls' lives three nights/four days a week.

It all just sucks. And construction/remodeling sucks too.

And yet? My life is not all suckage. It's actually pretty great. In fact, it's just this side of ordinary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's just this side of extraordinary but I might be biased.