Thursday, June 17, 2010

Let the Tired Sleep

A few months ago, I wrote about late naps (on my other blog and was all about the NO, it can't happen, she'll never sleep again.

Well...I'm trying a new attitude.

When I got to my mom's house the other day, after going to pick up my brother and nephew, it was near 5:30. And there sat my mom in the rocking recliner with a sleeping Olivia sprawled across her lap.

Alyssa greeted me at the door in her underwear. She was being a horse. It's what she does.

My first thought was, "Oh crap, now O's never going to sleep tonight."

But instead of saying that, I told my mom, "Let me go to the bathroom and I'll take her."

And that's what I did. I settled into the rocking recliner and held Olivia close, kissing her head and patting her back.

I've realized a few things since that last 5pm nap. One, she's not going to nap forever. I should relish these moments of closeness with her.

Two, she's only going to be three a little longer. I love three! Three is so funny and silly and sleepy.

Three and most importantly, if she's sleeping, she must be tired. So what if she naps from 4:00pm until 8:30pm. Which is the hours she slept the other night.

Once upon a time, I'd have been stressed out that she wouldn't go back to sleep that night until, oh 3am and her sleep would be screwed up for days and days. Well, that didn't happen this time. At 10pm, she and I went back to bed and she went right to sleep and slept through until 6am. It was great. And she was well rested, which she obviously needs.

So I'm trying to be more zen about naps and sleep times. Yes, yes, we have a typical bedtime though summer has, so far, been much more relaxed. But if a child who usually doesn't fall asleep at 4pm is doing so? She must be tired.

And everyone knows, I'm all about the sleeping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We go through the same thing at our house. We know it's bad to let R fall asleep on the couch but sometimes I love snuggling with her until she falls asleep. I won't be able to do that forever.