I love Funyuns. Just had to get that out there. I know they're pretty much made of anything that isn't natural but, well, they're one of my many guilty pleasures.
But seriously, now that Olivia is as potty trained as a child can be who can't pull her own pants down and get on the toilet herself, I find that she's becoming more and more stubborn about actually GOING to the bathroom.
It's so frustrating when I SEE the signals that she has to pee and ask her if she had to go and she says, "No."
Only to continue the pawing at her own crotch in an effort to hold the pee in.
This happened in the toy aisle at Walmart this past weekend. I asked her three times in five minutes if she had to pee. I even told her that we'd come back to the toys after she peed. I promised.
She was so busy looking at all the wonderful toys that she didn't want to go pee. So she'd tell me she didn't have to go and then glance back at the Barbies on the shelf, only to grab herself ten seconds later.
Finally, five minutes and three seconds after I originally asked her if she had to pee, Olivia bent over and said frantically, "I do have to pee, I do!"
And with that, she was peeing on the floor.
So I grabbed her peeing little body off the floor and headed for the bathroom, knowing it was useless. Of course, once perched on the toilet, she no longer had to go.
After I wiped her and pulled up her now-wet underwear and skort, I knelt down to eye-level with her and asked, "Livie? Why did you tell me you didn't have to go? I asked you lots of time and promised we'd go back to the toys."
She replied, "BUTT!" And grinned, as if she was quite clever.
I stood, opened the stall door, made her wash her hands, walked her out to the cart and put her wet little butt in the cart. We then went back to the toys, where Alyssa browsed to her heart's content.
The entire time Olivia asked to get out of the cart. I told her she'd been naughty and didn't get to look at the toys more closely.
It wasn't fun but I hope it was effective.
Sadly, I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Three year olds are notoriously bratty. It just how it is. I'd like to think it's what makes us appreciate four year olds.
And now...back to my Funyuns.
The Mini just took a dump in his pants and then let it roll out the bottom.
I hate three year olds.
The poop...Oh dear Lord, the poop! I'm so with Statia on this one, three year olds are eveil. Especially when it comes to poop.
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