Olivia is a sponge. She takes everything in, watching, listening, filing it away for future use.
She watches her sister interact with the adults around us.
She observes those adults interacting with each other.
And every so often, she comes up with some witty comeback that reminds me that little people have really big ears.
Yesterday morning as I was packing Alyssa's lunch for the day, Olivia found me in the kitchen and announced, "I'm hungry."
I asked her, "What would you like to eat?"
She grinned up at me and said nothing.
I suggested a banana.
She replied with a shudder, "If I eat a banana I will just die!" Then she left the room, her line having been said, the curtain having fallen on her role as the melodramatic queen for the day.
When we got to my mom's a little later that morning, Jaxon was already there, waiting for is "Livie" and his "Sissy" to arrive to entertain him.
He was so excited to see them. He wanted to show them the Barney toy he had. It's a large stuffed Barney which runs on batteries and sings and dances and talks.
Jaxon got this Barney from our house two weeks before when he'd stayed the night.
Neither Alyssa or Olivia play with it anymore and I'd let the batteries die years before because it's creepy.
But Jaxon loves it! Loves it so much that in the two weeks he'd had it, Jason (Jaxon's dad) has had to replace the batteries twice.
After about fifteen minutes of Jaxon and Alyssa dancing around Barney, Olivia came to fine me again.
She informed me, "That Barney is freakin' me out!"
I love this sense of drama she's cultivating.
But remind me in about ten years that it was cute once upon a time.
It's very comforting to see Olivia growing into her own personality. I wish we lived closer to meet her & your family she is such a doll!
i love being able to find people! It's me, Quinn's mommy! Found you through Missy lol! Anyway, Olivia is so stinkin cute. hope you don't mind me dropping by and leaving a comment from time to time.
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