Thursday, December 23, 2010


Just this morning, Olivia announced to me yet again, "I love this whole house."

Both of my girls are so relieved that we've moved. They both love the new house and they both love the area.

Sure, it's only three miles from Gram's house but it's more than that.

Alyssa's new school is amazing. She's been accepted, she's thriving, she's made great friends. Her teacher is devoted amazingly well-aware of the needs of her students. We couldn't ask for better.

This morning, we were on the road heading toward WalMart before 10:00 in order to do the very last of our shopping. No really, we're done now. Of course, we did go to more than just WalMart (Rural King and Meijer) to actually finish that shopping but we did it. Tomorrow, we don't have to go anywhere except Gram's house.

While out and about, we ran in to a few people we knew.

I love this. I've missed this.

When we lived an hour and a half away, we never saw people we knew. I worked up here and lived down there and I wasn't actually a part of either community.

I've come home and it's wonderful.

We ran into a mom from the girls' gymnastics class. She stopped me the third time we passed each other in an aisle and said, "I feel like I should know you."

I smiled and said, "Gymnastics."

She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Yes! Thank you."

We talked for a few minutes, wished each other a Merry Christmas and headed on our way.

A few minutes later, I came across someone I'd graduated from high school with. Again, we stopped, made a bit of small talk and went on our way.

But...belonging is something I've missed for years. I've missed this sense of being out and about and knowing the people around me. I've missed knowing that around the next corner is someone I might know.

And we have that again. We're making connections, reaquainting ourselves with old friends and surrounding ourselves with family.

The blessings abound.

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