Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Alyssa has told me on several occasions over the past couple of months that she is the only person in her entire class who doesn't have a dog.

Then I look her in the eye and ask with skepticism in my voice, "Really?"

She's quick to amend her statement. "Well," she explains, "Alex had a dog, but he died so I'm the only on in my whole class who has never had a dog."

I usually just say, "That's awful. I feel terrible for you."

And we let it go.

This morning, though, she said it again. This time, my reaction was different. I told her, my voice apologetic this time, "Alyssa, I know you want a dog. But you don't understand how much work they are. You think you'll be the one to take care of it. And I know you'd try. But you're only eight and so you're still little."

She tried to interrupt here and explain that she WOULD take care of it.

I continued, "Dogs need a schedule. If we got a dog, it would get used to getting up at 5:30 every single day of the week. Not just Monday through Friday, but every. Single. Day. I'd have to get up a t 5:30 on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday and then start all over again on Monday to let that doggie outside to go potty, to feed the doggie. I know you think you'd be the one to get up, but you're little. You wouldn't. And I just don't have it in my to take care of another creature right now."

She nodded wisely, keeping her opinions that she so totally would get up and take care of that doggie all by herself.

I feel for her. I do. I know she loves animals and would adore having a dog in the house, something that was just as happy to run after her as her sister is. I know she'd love to come home every single day to a happy, wagging tail.

I told her we'd talk about it again when she's ten, to see if we thought ten was old enough to take care of a dog.

Maybe I should have continued to just avoid the subject, but I felt like if I explained to her why *I* can't handle a dog right now, she'd understand that it's not about me and Tom wanting to be mean to her and deny her the joys of having a pet. That she'd see that we want what's best for her and me not having to take care of one more thing is what's best for all of us.

Who knows?

What I do know is that at this point, we're still working on consistent pottying with Olivia and until I have no one peeing on the carpets in our house AT ALL, I'm not bringing in one more creature that will do that.

O is actually doing well these days. She will tell us more often than not when she has to go.

However, just telling us isn't always enough. Last weekend at A's soccer game, Olivia told me she had to pee. I took her hand and led her to the only available toilet.

It was a port-o-potty.

She took one look at that thing, got one sniff of the air when I opened the door and backed away, shaking her head.

She was NOT going in there. No way, no how. No matter how badly she had to pee, there was no way I'd get her in there, get her pants down, sit her OVER the potty and get her to pee in it without a fight and that would have probably ended with us tipping the darned thing over and imagine the disaster that would have been.

I'd been smart enough to put her in a Pull Up, so she ended up peeing in that, but wow, what a diva.


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

Here is just an idea. If A loves animals so much you can see how she does with a little turtle. Or if you want to do something smaller you can do a plant. I don't know how you feel about cats but they are great because they are loyal yet really independent and you can have an out door cat which is that much easier. All cats are born potty trained they will only go in a litter or out side. That could help her get ready for a huge commitment of a dog. Also there are some bigger dog breads that are naturally clean who also teach them selves how to be potty trained. Ohh another good idea that I did with my husband (he too never had pets growing up) we dog sat for a few weeks and it opened all sorts of doors for him. He now wants a dog and wants to walk a dog. So that can help if you want to get some practice in. I totally understand your point. It is really not fun to find hidden presents from your pets. And they too are just like us and need lots of attention.

And I am totally with O about the port-a-potty!!! Those things give me the heeby geebies and I would much rather hold it!! ahahah I am glad that she is doing so well! Pull ups seem like such a good option too!

(I hope that you don't mind my advice about the pets. I just thought I would share incase you guys did get serious about the idea.)

Anonymous said...

I know all too well about wee ones peeing on the floor!! I'm going through that right now w/banks - ugh - it's enough to drive u crazy! I'm sure he will want a dog one day too since he's going to be an only child. But I am not up for picking up poop with plastic bags and all that shedding!

Oh, and I'm with O, port a pottys are the grossest things on the planet. The only way I'm getting in one is after having too much booze ;)

Anonymous said...

I was going to offer you my services to snazzy up ur blog if u wanted!! I need a project since I'm pretty much done with my blog design.