Friday, May 27, 2011


Yesterday was Olivia's second to last gymnastics class of the season.

The girls ran a timed obstacle course, they did a standing long jump, a high jump and were timed as they ran about 200 yards.

And...Olivia was comparable to the girls in the class. She was the slowest in the obstacle course but that's partly because she needed help with a couple of the obstacles. She doesn't have the confidence to walk across the beam yet. So I help. She also can't quite jump off a mat that is about two feet off the ground.

But the other things? She was right up there. She even ran the 200 yards faster than a couple of the other kids.

I know, I know, this isn't a contest. They weren't running to 'win.' But, when it was all over? I felt totally like Olivia was a winner.

Two years ago, this child was JUST starting to walk. Yesterday? She RAN. She jumped on a trampoline. Not just jumped, she jumped backwards down the thing, kept her balance the entire way and then turned around and did a somesault.

My child. My child who, if you read the all the research online, wasn't suppposed to walk, let alone run and jump. My child, who is supposed to be weak and not speak, did a chin up (with a little help) and skipped from one end of the gym to the other. She laughed and asked her coach if they were going to get medals.

And they did! She was so proud of this medal. See, Alyssa's got several medals because she's played soccer for a couple of years. And this was O's first.

She wore it all evening and then wore it again this morning to Gram's house, announce to one and all that it was HER medal for gymnastics.

Yesterday? She was just one of the girls, one of the beautiful little girls who got a medal for running and jumping and playing.

I love moments like that, moments when she's just one of the kids. They happen a lot these days. Her doctor was right. She's showing us what she can do. She's showing us there isn't much she can't do.


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

THAT IS AWESOME!!! Way to go O! I wonder about all the other things she will accomplish as she continues to grow. I bet you do too hahahah. Seriously, this is a great post to read! I wonder what things Lily will grow up to do as well. I hope Lils will be able to do this much too!

Tiffany said...

Amazing!!!! What a great day. :)