Just when I think I've got a handle on this mommy thing, school lets out for the summer and Alyssa stops going to sleep before I do.
Now, I love this girl to the depths of my soul, but girlfriend needs to go to sleep by 9:00 or she's a bear the next morning. And? I need just a half hour, please, I'm not greedy, not asking for more than that, but a half hour of down time each night. Please?
Just when I think I'm doing pretty well with keeping the house decently clean, the girls reasonably fed, the laundry caught up, Tom says or does something obnoxious and reminds me that there are times when I don't think he likes me very much. Nor do I feel like he thinks there is anything at all in this world that I do well.
It's discouraging, to say that least.
Just when I decide that TODAY is the day I'm going to seriously start working on losing weight, someone brings in donuts. I know! I could actually NOT eat any but...that's just no fun at all.
Just when I think I'm failing at every single thing in my life, one of my girls will come up to me, hug me with her little spaghetti arms and whisper, "I love you, Mommy."
And I realize in that moment that everything is going to be okay. It really is.
You are doing a great job!!! It just harder now that school is out. You will continue to do great I promise!!! If not just come back and vent, I'll listen and try to help.
Plus those "I love you's" make the world go round don't they? That is what this life is all about!
Hang in there...the transition to summer is so hard...so is marriage...and losing weight!
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