There are certain phrases that will make a dozing mother jump off the couch and go from drowsy to wide awake in about a half a second.
"Mom, Livie's pooping. One the carpet!"
"Livie, that's my yogurt, no! Get your own spoon." *Splat* And people wonder why we haven't replaced the carpet that's been in our house for 15 or so years.
"Mom! Olivia's got the red lipstick." (And she's usually heading for the wall to 'decorate' it.)
"Livie, that's my hair color stick. No! Stop wasting it on the walls!"
"Livie, you're just wasting that gloss when you put it on your feet."
"Livie, stop glossing your butt!" (That tube of gloss was thrown away, thank you very much.)
"Mommy? There's a tick on my head." Yeah, that one might be the most squick-worthy.
bahahhah the gloss on the butt!!! hahahahah That is hilarious! Sorry your gloss was a casualty.
As for the tick!!! Yikes! Those things a miserable I had one once and it too 2 hours to get out. Hopefully your girls are not as melodramatic as I was with the stupid creature ahhahaha.
Hey, sometimes you just don't feel pretty until you're fully glossed! LOL Too funny, that girl of yours.
Ticks. Ew. My dad lives in the Northwoods of MN, where ticks are nearly as common as misquitos, so over the last decade or so, I've learned how to better deal with them without totally freaking out... but they still give me that creepy-crawly feeling... blech!
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