I used to long for summer vacations. When I was Alyssa's age summers seem to last forever (to paraphrase Bryan Adams) and there was alywas something and nothing to do. It was awesome.
Now that Alyssa's been out of school for two days plus a weekend, we're embarking on what I hope will be another long, hot summer just like the ones I remember fondly.
Alyssa cunted the days down until she was finally done with second grade. Her second to the last day was a field day, during which she got quite sunburned and had a blast. When I walked in that afternoon, she declared, "My new school is way funner than my old one."
Those are beautiful words to a mother's ears. Especially the mother of a shy little girl who cried the first week of kindergarten, the first three days of first grade, and the first day of second grade in a whole new school.
She's come a long way, baby.
Another thing I love about her new school is that they weight and measure the kids at the beginning of the year and then again at the end. Alyssa grew two inches and gained six pounds. I'm convinced that those six pounds were all muscle, thanks in part to gymnastics. She so strong these days, so steady and so very confident. I love that about her. I hope she can maintain this confidence into her teen and adult years.
My mom is taking care of the girls for us this summer. Though she did ask me last week which day Tom wants each week.
See, a hundred years ago, back when we were commuting 65 miles on way, I insisted that Tom keep the girls one day a week during the summer. He was away from them for up to 72 continuous hours each week and so he and they needed that day to be together, to maintain their relationships. At least, that's what I told him. I also felt like my mom deserved a break from almost constant child care.
When I asked him what day he wanted a few days ago, he seemed surprised. What with us being together all the time now, he didn't think he still needed that reacquaintance day.
I let him know this time that it is for my mom's sanity. And heck, the guy works from home, he can work whenever he wants, taking a single day during the week to care for his daughters for nine or so hours isn't asking too much.
He came around to my way of thinking.
This coming week, though, I'm only working three days.
Olivia's preschool evaulation is on Thursday. It had originally been scheduled for Friday and so I took Friday off as a vacation day. When it was rescheduled, I just added a vacation day to the schedule.
I have no idea what we'll do, but I'm hoping for something fun and summery.
Here's to a long, hot summer that lasts forever in Alyssa's memories.
Love summer time! Hope you guys have a long hot summer too!
I love summer too. I hope you all have a great one!
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