Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Bad Guy

One morning this week, I was in the bathroom, finishing up getting ready for work. I was just about to go into the bedroom and wake the girls when I saw Tom go past the bathroom door. I realized he'd come up to wake them.

Seconds later, I heard Olivia yell, "No!"

I headed to the room to see what was happening.

When I got in there, I asked Tom what he did.

He said, "Nothing. I just rubbed her back."

The one in question, upon hearing my voice, was crawling toward the edge of the bed as fast as she could.

Poor guy.

Tom gets that from the girls all the time.

Now...I wonder if it's a remnant of our time as a commuter family, when the girls and I stayed away from home for three or more nights a week. We did this for eight years, all both girls' lives until this past year.

They got so used to coming to me for everything that even after eight months of us all living together the way normal families do, it's hard for them.

Of course, if you asked Tom, he'd say that it isn't so much our past of commuting as it is the fact that he has to be the bad guy. Or at least that's how he sees it.

He thinks I'm too lenient on most things, such as too much television/computer time, not enough reading, writing, math.

He's the milk nazi in our home. I think milk is disgusting and wouldn't make my worst enemy drink it if they didn't want to. He insists that both girls drink a glass with dinner. I don't contradict him on this. I just am not the one to pour the milk into glasses, take it to the table or sit there staring down a teary child as she chokes it down.

I am, however, the bedtime sheriff. I'm the one who makes sure they bathe regularly and that they are dressed in clean clothes (underwear included, thank you very much.) I'm also the one who makes them clean up their toys and take their dirty laundry to the hamper.

I think we're pretty even, to be honest.

He? Thinks that the girls think I'm the good guy and he's the bad guy.

So I'm trying. I'm trying to be more aware of the vegetables they eat and the television they watch.

I try not to contradict him in front of them, supporting his edicts so that they see that we're a united front.

I know that I wouldn't want to be the bad guy. Not all the time. So I try. It's all we can do, right?


McKinley {Haolepinos} said...

Being the bad guy shows them you love them!! Even if it is hard to see those tears at the time! So maybe being the bad guy isn't all that bad ahahah. But man it is hard when you see those crocodile tears come streaming down! It makes my heart twist and pull! I think you guys are great parents!

But that is a good idea to make it even. I just hope Gian will be the bad guy when they are in high school ahahah! I don't know if I can handle rebellions ahahah and riots ahahhaha!

Thank you for your comments earlier, they seriously made my day!!! You are always sooooooooo kind! Thank you again!

Page said...

Eh... Sounds pretty even to me, but I understand. After 12 years, we take turns being the good guy and bad guy... I'm the current bad guy - on a long streak right now...

I think it's funny that Tom makes the kids drink milk. My husband is the Regulator of milk here. My kids drink milk like it's... water. Heh. It's expensive, so I get where he's coming from, but still... Tell him that there are people who go through 3 or 4 gallons of milk a week (we have friends who go through 6! with just 2 girls!) and remind him how much money your girls are saving you. ;)