Obviously, the title is referring to the Smurfs.
I took the girls to see the movie last week. It was adorable. Seriously. There were parts that Alyssa found so funny she was gasping for breath through her laughter.
One thing I lamented often when we lived so far away from here is that the girls and I neverhad time to actually do anything. We weren't a part of any sort of community, not the community in which we lived and certainly not the community where we worked/went to school.
Now? There's often time to burn, except that I still feel like I'm barely keeping up with housework and I never get enough sleep.
But we make time for things like going to the movie, or to the pool. And it's easier now. We're closer to home and we have family and friends here.
Last night we went into town and attended a local pagent for young girls. Alyssa was fascinated because one of her friends from school was actually a contestant. I think that Alyssa wishes she wants to do that sort of thing. If that makes sense. She's an introvert who wishes she were an extrovert.
It was fun. It was also nice that we were all of four miles from home. When it was time to go home, we were practically already there. No time for anyone to fall asleep in the car, or get bored.
I want my girls to look back on their childhood and see that I made time to be with them. That we did fun things and managed to enjoy each other even as we got our work done.
Balance. In the end, it's all about balance, isn't it? Whether it's food and exercise and balancing your intake with your output or making time for the fun stuff while still getting enough of the work done.
I'm trying to show them balance, teach them that life isn't all work but it also can't be all play. Each day, I try to balance it all. Some days are harder than others. But I try to soak in the easier days in hope of getting ahead so that when the bad days hit, I've got a bit in reserve.
What do you get when you cross a smurf with cheese??
Sumrfs seems cute. Did you see Katy Perry's dress for the premier? I loved it!! It's a little childish but it totally works! I am gladbyou are able to do the things you want to do with your kids!
We LOVED the movie!!! Olivia kept yelling (really loudly...damn that girl is quiet but can be loud at the most inappropriate times!) "Hi Brainy! Hi Clumsy! Hi Papa!" It was hilarious!!!
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