Friday, December 30, 2011

Another First

We're having a guest tonight. For the first time Alyssa is having a friend spend the night with us.

I know it's really not that big a deal is. It's not just our first time having a non-relative overnight but it's also the friends first time spending the night at a non-relative's house so it's a big thing all the way around.

I told S's mom that no one will be offended if S decides she wants to go home. I get it.

I know that Alyssa would be nervous and might change her mind once bedtime rolls around. So I assured S's mom, in front of both S and A that it's okay if things don't work out this time. We'll try again.

So away we go...

We've already made cookies, the girls have had lunch, they're currently upstairs making messes and singing. I love it.

I love that Alyssa is moving into this whole new world of sleepovers (especially since they're here at our house, I know...that's probably a double standard but we're ready for this part of it, not sure about the part where SHE goes somewhere else...)

Yes, there are messes and more mouths to feed but it's fun.

And I appreciate how good both older girls are being to Olivia, who is right there in the middle of it, making messes with the best of them.

It's the beginning of a new chapter. We'll see if we get to turn the page or need to go back a few pages before the night is through.

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