Okay, so...I don't want to jinx her, but here goes...
Olivia went to school today without a safety net, if you will. She didn't wear a pull-up. Instead, we sent her like most typical five year olds go dressed for school.
She was wearing regular old underwear under her clothes.
And she was fine! She didn't have an accident. She told her teacher(s) each time she needed to go to the bathroom.
That's my big girl! We've been talking up this whole 'talk to your teacher' thing for the last two weeks. I knew it wasn't so much the actual act of going to the bathroom that was going to be the problem for O at school.
It is the talking, the communicating. She doesn't like to do it with anyone who isn't me or Gram or Daddy.
But I used the 'big girl' card on her. I reminded her that she's a big girl now, and as a big girl, she doesn't pee in her panties anymore. And since she'd be at school, she needed to actually talk to her teachers and let them know when she needed to use the bathroom.
And it worked. At least today it worked. Tomorrow is another day and I'll continue to talk to her about it, to work with her, to remind her that she needs to talk to her teachers, she needs to show them what she can do.
But today? Was a success! Yay Livie!
That is awesome!!! Way to go Olivia!! That is a big step to make! Woot woooooooot! Keep up all the good work little O!! Before you know it, you won't even remember what it was like to not use the potty!!
That is fantastic news! What a huge milestone!!
That is amazing!! My Olivia does it at school...and then comes home and loses her mind! ;)
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