Sunday, March 11, 2012


It feels like spring might be near. Today is the first day of nice weather this season. We've had a few days where the temps have been in the low 60s but the wind was always so strong that it made it feel much cooler.

Today, though, the wind was mild and the temps were wonderful.

Even with a diagnosis of strep, we let Alyssa outside to let the sun burn off the germs and the gentle wind blow off the sickies. We hope.

But we also took advantage of the first nice day to do a little work around the yard. Living in the middle of corn fields has it advantages. But one of the disadvantages is that come harvest time, we ended up with corn husks and cobs strewn about our yard.

A little raking took care of most of that.

And yay, we see the first of the tulips popping up. Those always make me think of the wonderful women I've met through the March of Dimes. We passed out tulip bulbs back in 2010 at a conference and each spring I'm reminded of how lucky I am to call these women friends.

Olivia was just beside herself with joy to be outside. She only wore her jacket for about five minutes before declaring it was much too warm for a jacket outside. She went down the dusty slide, declaring that her butt was cleaning it.

All in all, it's bean a lovely weekend, even with the sucky advent of Daylight Saving Time. Ugh!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

We have hyacinths in bloom over here...and toda I'm wearing a tank top! What???