Two days in and I’m pretty sure Olivia is trying to out-smarting us. Thankfully, her teacher is pretty quick and caught on to O’s shenanigans fairly early on.
Once Olivia understood the rule that if she told her teacher she had to pee, went to the bathroom and came back to the classroom she’d get a swipe of chap stick, she ran with it. That girl does love her chap stick.
Mrs. R reported that one the first day of the project, Olivia told her teachers she had to use the potty three times in the first hour. That’s a record.
While thrilled with the progress, Mrs. F was suspicious and realized that O was using the bathroom trips to get the chap stick. She wasn’t actually going pee each time she went into the bathroom.
So Mrs. F amended the chap stick rule. She told Olivia that they were starting a sticker chart. Each time Olivia told her teachers she needed to potty and then actually WENT potty, she’d get a sticker. For every three stickers earn, O gets to use the chap stick.
So far, so good.
See, this is brilliant. And it’s why I am not a teacher. I have neither the patience nor the imagination to think this stuff up. Heck, I'm lucky to get both my kids fed and bathed most nights, let alone think up brilliant strategies for behavior modification.
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