Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Resolutions Revisited

So we’re over halfway through the year.

Most years by the time I’m halfway through January, I’ve failed every single one of my resolutions.

This year I made the decision to make resolutions that weren’t about me. And what do you know?

Here we are in the middle of July and I’m still reading three books a day to Olivia six out of seven days a week, sometimes we read all seven days a week. But there have been a few misses here and there so I’ll give myself a nine on a scale of one to ten on how this resolution is going.

The other resolution I made was to donate to special needs orphans in Eastern Europe who are waiting to be adopted. This is done either through Reece’s Rainbow or through other blogs that mention a family or child in need.

And I’ve managed to do this once a month, which is sort of what I budgeted so, hey, go me on remaining resolved to do what I can. I admitted back when I made this resolution that I just don’t have the financial, emotional or physical reserves to adopt a child myself but I admire families who do have these reserves and just need a little financial help. If a lot of strangers pitch in a little, we can make big differences in the lives of the sweet babies (and toddlers and preschoolers and school-aged children and beyond) who are desperate for a home, a mom, a dad…a family.

I feel so incredibly blessed to have been born in a place and an era where special needs are not something that we feel need to be shut away in institutions and ignored. Therapies and schooling are available to children born with needs beyond typical kids. Those who weren’t so lucky need our help, even if it’s just a little here and there. There are places than can make a little go a long way.

So yes, this is me patting myself for doing what I should have been doing for years. But we have to start somewhere to get anywhere, right?

1 comment:

Julie said...

And that's why you are the awesomest!
