There's something to be said for taking a couple of vacation days just because. That's what I've done. I'm off work today and tomorrow, just because.
Just because I want to spend a little more of this glorious (if dry and so freaking hot) summer with my daughters.
Just because I like the simplicity of a day at the pool followed by a dinner of a sliced tomato fresh from our garden.
I don't get to take many Mondays off work due to responsibilities that have to happen every Monday (think payroll, since that's the actual reason.)
Last week I got a call on Wednesday asking if I could get timecards/hours to the HR specialist on Friday.
I was obviously willing to do this and then, just a couple of minutes after replying that it was no problem to do as she'd asked, it occured to me that this was a rare event.
I requested Monday off and it's been lovely.
The simplicity of waking on a Saturday morning know that there are three more such mornings to follow.
The wonder of waking on Sunday to my husband offering me the opportunity to sleep in that morning, Monday morning and Tuesday morning if I was willing to do him a favor on Monday afternoon.
I immediately agreed to his suggestion and headed back to bed.
There is something pretty wonderful about waking up a couple of hours later and find Olivia waiting for me (she heard my ankle click its way down the stairs.) The smile on her face at my arrival is precious. Knowing she craves my company, my presence, it makes me feel incredibly special, probably the way all moms feel when they're faced with the simplicity of their children's love, such an all encompassing love, unconditional and sometimes not exactly deserved.
I work hard in the hope that I do deserve the love these little girls bestow upon me.
These little days in the middle of summer, the hours at the pool, swimming with Alyssa on my back and catching Olivia as she pushes from the side over and over.
The simplest things are often the most important.
Well, this explains why you haven't answered my call either day. :)
Enjoy your days!!!
Good for you!!! I'm so glad you are doing this for yourself.
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