Thursday, October 25, 2012


I’ve been really cranky this week. I can attribute part of the crankiness to tiredness. I feel like I’m still recovering from last weekend’s travel.

I’m also feeling overwhelmed by the coming weekend’s events. The girls and I are heading to Bloomington, Indiana for a dance marathon hosted by Indiana University. While I love Bloomington, getting there involves over four hours of driving, three days away from home which means I need to pack clothes, food and entertainment for two little girls.

We also have to be back at a specific time on Sunday because there’s some kind of party going on that day and my mom has informed me that I’m one of the honorees. Oh, joy.

So yes, cranky.

I don’t know how others handle this sort of schedule on an almost constant basis (Julie, I’m looking at you and your astonishingly busy family.)

The girls have their class Halloween party tomorrow on top of everything else. When we get home from gymnastics tonight at just before 8:00 I need to make mini cupcakes for Olivia’s class, make sure everything is packed for both girls’ costumes and still come to work tomorrow for half a day.

Wah, wah, wah, right?

It’s just that I’m not used to being this busy. I’m not accustomed to going and going and going and then going some more. I’m more of a let’s all the laundry on the weekends because we’re not doing anything else kind of gal. This whole busyness thing has me doing laundry all week and it’s crushing my soul.

Okay, that’s probably a bit melodramatic. But just a bit. Last night while the girls were in the tub, I folded a basket full of laundry. The basket held what had probably been two dryer loads. It was a lot of laundry. And as I folded it and put it away, all I could think was that there were two similar baskets in the other room awaiting the same treatment. It was very soul-crushing.

I also packed our clothes and started a list of snacks we’ll take with us.

One thing at a time. I know that’s how it works. And when this weekend is over and we’re home, the steps won’t seem to have been so big.

For now, I’ll just have a little (lot) more chocolate.

1 comment:

Julie said...

How do we handle it? Dirty clothes. HAHA!