Monday, November 12, 2012

So. Much. Energy.

This morning, Olivia slept until 5:45, which is late for her these days with Falling Back and all that jazz.

Over the weekend, as I futzed around the house, cleaning this room and vacuuming that one, I could often see or at least hear Olivia running in circles around the house. Our house is set up so that when you walk in the front door you see a coat closet in front of you, a hallway to the right of the closet, the living room is to the left of the closet and the stairs to the second floor are to the right. The hall way leads to the kitchen and there is a half bath down the hall. The kitchen also opens to the living room, which makes for a nice little circular track Olivia can run.

Alyssa prefers the long stretch of area between the far living room wall that leads through the kitchen, past the dining area and into the family room. She uses this as her runway for vaults and cartwheels as well as round-offs and handstands into bridges. She mastered the walkover this weekend. And begged me to go get grips for her sooner than Thursday. She thinks the schedule is still up for negotiation. It’s not. We’re getting them on Thursday, the day she might actually use them at class.


I wish I had as much energy as either one of my children. They’re always on the go, always running and flipping and jumping and just being insane.

Alyssa asks countless times to show me some not-new gymnastics move and Olivia shriek-chirps, “I have so much energy!” as she rounds the corner from the kitchen to the living room to make another lap.

She also claims Gram's glasses give her energy. I think she just likes them because everyone tells her how cute she is when she's wearing them.

Emotionally, I feel really good these days. I am in a really good place. I am hoping that this emotional energy will translate into physical energy soon because I need to do something about my slovenly physical body. And soon. But for now, I watch my girls enjoy life, enjoy a Sunday afternoon when we don’t have anywhere to be except right here, right where we are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if I ever had the amount of energy my children have especially Sophie but at the end of the day I realize no matter how drained I am that it's a blessing my children are so active.