Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Rant

This is such a silly thing and yet…I’m annoyed. And when I’m annoyed, I vent and that sometimes takes the annoyance down a notch or two. Sometimes.

See, I listen to the radio on the car on the way to work each morning. And I’m often accosted by this obnoxious commercial for something called Metabolife (I think that’s the name, it could be Metabolite.) It is voiced over by the female host of the morning show I listen to.

The commercial goes something like this: Last Thanksgiving, I embarked on a lifestyle change. Using Metabolife, I have lost over 33 pounds and 25 inches off my body. It is AMAZING. I still eat at my favorite restaurants, I still get to have a life but I’ve gone from a size 16 pants to a size 8 and I used to wear extra-large shirts and I now wear a small.


Okay, first, she’s annoyingly chirpy. I sort of want to slap her.

Second, she lost 33 pounds and went down four pant sizes? Really? Because I’ve lost 31 pounds and am down one pant size. ONE!!

Sure, okay. Maybe I was in a tight size 18 and now I’m in a loose size 16. That would maybe mean I’ve lost a size and a half. Whatever! Who loses a clothing size for every eight pounds they lose? Definitely not me. I seem to need to lose over twenty pounds in order to lose a size.

I know, I know. Every body is different. We all carry our weight differently. Maybe I’m losing the fat on my head first and that’s why it’s not showing up in the size of my pants.

And don’t get me wrong. I’m so grateful for the weight I have lost. I’m so grateful that I’m continuing to lose. Yet hearing that stupid commercial every day still sort of pisses me off.

Yes, I’m that petty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stuff like that bother's me too, annoying! There is no miracle weight loss drug out there despite what people think. I've lost weight several times and when I went down from a 18 to an 8 many years ago I had to lose 65lbs and work out 3+ hours a day.