Since I the mom who doesn't plan awesome trips to sunny destinations for spring break, I took the girls and one of Alyssa's friends bowling today.
I know, awesome, right?
Okay, so it's not really comparable but the girls had a really great time. And since I saved thousands of dollars by not planning some awesome trip, I didn't even mind spending almost $50 for a day of bowling.
The last time we went bowling was this past New Years Day. Olivia didn't get to bowl that day. Why? Well, it was assumed she was too little and too weak.
This time, I decided to let her try.
And oh did my girl try. I got her a four pound ball with holes for every finger and she wanted to badly to fling that ball down the lane the way the rest of us did. She couldn't quite to that though, so she made do with just pushing it as hard as it could and then it made its way s l o w l y down the lane. Most times she managed to get one ball.
Yes, thank goodness for bumpers.
Don't know the bumpers. Those suckers let me get a score of 136 on the first game. The second game...wasn't as good. I was getting tired and my stupid cold was starting to really get worse.
Alyssa and her friend T both broke 100 in each game. They're awesome.
And you know what? They had a blast. They laughed, they high-fived. They made memories.
That's what spring break is all about. Making memories, laughing, taking a minute out of a regular day and doing something different. Sure, it would have been lovely to have lain on a beach baking in the sun but we had almost as much fun in a dark, cold bowling alley, cheering each other on.
The best part? When Olivia told me about three turns in that she didn't need me to walk to the lane with her. She could do it by herself, thank you very much. I love that independent spirit. She's probably going to need it and I'm so glad that I decided today to let her try.
They even had bowling shoes in her size. They were awesome!!
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