Every month, Olivia brings home a coupon to the local pizza place for a free personal pizza. It’s for the school’s reading program.
We’re really bad about using these coupons. It’s sad, really. I mean, it’s a free pizza!
But, alas, we live four whole miles outside of town and that means having to actually GO and GET the pizza if we want it.
Tom mentioned this morning that we should use the two coupons currently sitting on our counter. One expires on February 28 and the other on March 31.
I said, “You’re right. We should.”
And then I said, “You could call and order them this afternoon or tomorrow and send Alyssa to pick them up. She needs some excuses to drive a little more anyway.”
I think that man actually paled at the very idea of having to dial his phone and talk into it.
I am always the one who has to order pizza, or make appointments, or anything else that involves talking to anyone on the phone.
I laughed at the face he made and said, “You know, they’ll take orders from people who sounds like dudes.”
At this, he laughed. “Are you sure?”
“I am!” I insisted, sharing his amusement. “Remember how I had to remind you that Kroger let’s men shop? Well, the Edon Pizza Place will let men order and even pick up their pizza.”
I let it drop with that because one doesn’t need to beat a dead horse but…damn. Why must I always do that kind of thing?
Then again, maybe he thinks the same thing when it comes to shoveling the driveway, mowing the lawn and feeding the cat…
You know what? Never mind, I’ll just keep on ordering the pizza and making the appointments, thank you very much.
1 comment:
Ha! Rick's car needs serviced and I suggested he call ahead instead of just dropping it off. You'd have thought I suggested he drown one of the cats.
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