Monday, June 10, 2019

And Another Thing

Have I ever mentioned that I hate cooking corn on the cob?

Well, I do.

And yes, I know it’s just boiling the stupid things in water for less than 10 minutes. I still hate it.

I hate it so much.

Boiling eggs? No big deal.

Bringing water to a boil for potato soup or mashed potatoes? I can do that all day long.

But boiling corn on the cob makes me want to cry.


I have no idea. I just hate it so, so much.

Oh, I also hate shucking the corn before you boil it. The silks get freaking EVERYWHERE and you can never get all of them off the ears of corn. And you have to do it outside to avoid making a stupid mess in your kitchen.

Corn on the cob is so annoying.

And, because I baby the hell out of my children, I cut the corn OFF the cob before they eat it…so what the hell is the point of the cob, I ask you.

I know they’d tell me that it just tastes better and yes, sure. Of course fresh corn cut from the cob moments before being consumed is better than grody old canned corn but it’s also A LOT more work…for me.

And since these days my moods are all about me, there you have it.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I still think you need to try frozen corn, because canned corn? ICK. I LOVE corn on the cob but I also cut it off the cob. And I microwave mine. 3 min on each side

Also when you are cutting it off the cob...try sticking the cob into the hole of a bundt pan. It holds the cob steady and the corn falls into the pan.