Wednesday, January 29, 2020


The first couple of weeks back to school after Christmas break have been tough. Olivia’s stress levels seem to be up.

A few IEP sessions ago, the school psychologist suggested giving her something for anxiety.

At that time, I was skeptical. I didn’t see her as anxious.

But these days…well, there might be something to it.

She gets anxious as the slightest hint of a change to her routine. The moment someone seems to maybe, even a little bit, be mad or annoyed with her, she shuts down. I can almost see her walls go up and her brain shut down. Once that happens, she’s completely derailed from whatever task someone wants her to do.

It drives me crazy and it breaks my heart.

I know she doesn’t do any of this on purpose but if maybe, just maybe, we can give her something, a medicine, that will help ease the anxiety that causes her this stress, well, wouldn’t it be worth it? I think yes. It will be worth it to me, to her teachers, and most of all, to her. To give her some relief from her constant worry, the stress of what comes next, the anxiety of how each day is going to unfold.

So we’re going to try.

My nephew has been on ritolin (she’s not going to be taking ritolin) for years. My brother tried taking him off it at the beginning of the year and it has been a disaster. He just can’t concentrate. So he’s going back on his meds.

There is no shame in using the tools available to help our children reach their fullest potential.

I have fought to keep Olivia off medication for most of her life but it’s time to give her some relief. If it doesn’t work, she doesn’t have to keep taking the meds. If there are side effects that outweigh the benefits, we can stop the meds. But we have to try.

1 comment:

Kate J said...

Have you looked into CBD at all? We use it as a "rescue" for anxiety/behaviors, but I know many 5p- families use it as a daily routine.