Thursday, July 1, 2021

It Was Fine

All that worry about my family being dicks was for naught. Everything was fine.

In fact, the graduation party was an unmitigated success. There was plenty of food, there were gifts and decorations. People showed up and stayed for hours.

My mom’s heart even seemed to thaw a bit. Miracle never cease.

We had scheduled the party for 1 to 4. We met the trustee (one of Lyss’s teachers) at 10. He unlocked the building for us and we got started on the set up.

Tom thought it was ridiculous for us to start setting up that early. Ha! Showed him. We were still getting the food out when people started arriving at 12:55.

Yes, of course someone arrived five minutes early. Why wouldn’t they? And obviously it was someone from my dad’s side of the family. Phil is just That Guy.

But whatever. It was fine.

Everything was fine. I think people had fun. I know they ate and talked and laughed and balloons were tossed and children sweated outside on the playground.

Alyssa smiled and greeted her guests and sat with her friends. She ate macaroni and cheese and mingled and Olivia irritated her to no end.

It was fine. It was great even.

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