Thursday, February 24, 2022

This Side of Covid

We made it thorugh almost two years of this pandemic before the virus infiltrated our house.

I find if interesting that just a couple of weeks ago Julie and I were comparing notes about Covid, about how neither of our immediate families had had to deal with it yet. Just a week later, she let me know that her husband and daughter were both positive.

And here I am, on day four of quarantine from work, positive.

Thankfully, the vaccine worked in that it made my symptoms very, very mild. I thought it was just a cold until I lost my sense of smell. That's what made me test one more time and here I am.

I am still congested and have moments of achiness but nothing that would have kept me home from work if I hadn't tested positive. I mean, we all go to work with colds all the time, right? I feel pretty much fine other than a cough (which I always get when I have a cold. I always have.) and the occasional headach, which, again, is just life for me.

As of day 1 of my positive test, Tom and Olivia were both negative. We're testing them again on day 5 so we'll see how that turns out.

I feel lucky and grateful to modern medicine for vaccines and boosters. I am here to say they work.

Stay safe, stay healthy, get your shots.

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