Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fair Day

The county into which we moved has its 4H fair the second week of September.

Because of this, all school kids in the county get a day off school to attend the fair (if they so choose, or if their parents choose for them.)

I grew up in a county where the fair took place in the middle of summer so this FREE day is an alien concept to me.

A day off school to go to the fair? What? Are you kidding me?

But this year, it happened for Alyssa.

And as luck, or busyness or whatever would have it, I have several vacation days left to use before the end of the year.

So I took the day off and we all went to the fair.

This might have to become a tradition!! It was really fun.

My mom and I have been taking the girls to fair since the year I was pregnant with Olivia, which was 2006. That year, Alyssa was willing to ride the carousel. That's it.

The next year, we did the carousel again, as well as looking at the animals.

Last year, I managed to convince both girls to ride the spinning strawberry with me.

That was fun and something they remembered.

This year!! Oh, this year, Alyssa showed how much she's grown and matured. She rode several rides with Olivia that in previous years she looked at with huge, scared eyes and shook her head strenuously., that girl. Watching Alyssa help Olivia get onto and into the rides just warmed this mean mom's heart. It was as if she didn't even had to think about it. She was just there, holding her little sister's hand, lifting her up when she couldn't climb into the ride, carrying her out when she seemed overwhelmed by the crowd.

My girl is amazing.

Yes, yes, both my girls are amazing. But I sometimes think as the 'typical' kid, Alyssa's needs can get overlooked.

And so when I see her working with her sister, playing with her, helping her, I realize that she doesn't mind that her sister needs a little more attention, a little extra help.

And those nights when O's already asleep and Alyssa gets a little extra mom-time, to lay and snuggle and just be together, I know those times are extra special for her, they remind her that she's so very, very loved and so very special in her non-special neediness.

She's awesome, that's all there is to it.

And I'm so lucky to be able to call her my daughter and take her to the fair.


Tiffany said...

Beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog...glad to know you!

Anonymous said...

That is wonderful! I know it must be so difficult for most children to have a special needs sibling but I believe it makes them better people. Alyssa is proof that love can overcome, that special love she has for her little sister...that is a beautiful thing! Kuddos to you for being such a great mom!