Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I love going to the school and seeing how my girls spend their days in a place where I am rarely there.

I took cupcakes to O’s class today to celebrate her birthday. They were mini cupcakes because the kids in her class are on the mini side. I had enough for each kid to have two, though, just in case. There were cupcakes with pink frosting and some with yellow frosting.

I was surprised when every single kid in the class requested a pink cupcake. Why was I surprised that the boys also preferred pink to yellow? I don’t know. Perhaps my own gender issues are so deeply ingrained that I expected four and five year old boys to scoff at being offered a cupcake with pink frosting.

The surprise was pleasant though. I love it when kids surprise me.

I’d told O I was coming to her class but you know how five year old memories are. Well, O’s memory, anyway, can be iffy. So she was pleasantly surprised when I showed up with a container full of cupcakes. And then, to her further delight, I STAYED with her in her class until it was time to go home. Wheee!! Mom’s here! She let me take her potty, her let me help her put her boots and coat on and she even offered to let me carry her to the car. That one didn’t happen. But she tried, I’ll give her points for that.

I know we’re lucky to still live in an area where homemade foods are allowed to be taken to school. We’re also lucky to have teachers who are willing to let a parent sit in on the class for 45 minutes. While there, I found out when the Christmas party is and was given the task of bringing cookies for the kids to decorate. Fine motor skills activity! Yay.

As O and I were leaving we saw A in the hall. She grinned and waved, another bonus to being in a small school. Third graders and preschoolers have classrooms next door to each other. I love that.

I wish I were able to be the mom who volunteers for classroom activities on a weekly basis but we’ll take what we can get. I always save a vacation day for the end of the year when the school parties are coming up. I’m lucky I can do that too.

I do realize how very lucky, over all, that I am. Even for all my bitching, I know I have it pretty darned good.

1 comment:

Julie said...

I spent my lunch hour making copies so I could feel like a cool mom. :)